Saturday, 21 July 2007

2 more weeks

2 more weeks to end of SIP, and 4 more weeks to holidays! I'm sleepy everyday right now... waking up early in the morning and staying in the hospital the entire day. I think I'm getting used to it though... I mean, if I don't, I will be in a worse shape when I start my housemanship.

Anyway, the MO of my team just switched to another team, and we miss him pretty much. Initially he looked pretty aloof and dao, but he soon warmed up to us and was teaching us whenever we were walking from patient to patient during our morning rounds. Yesterday at around 430pm, I saw him in my ward and we said hi, and I asked him about his new posting. He asked me whether I had any good cases, which I assumed he was searching to bring the year 3s through. Then again, I was thinking to myself "hmm... he's not taking any year 3s...", and so I asked him what he wanted them for. What he said next completely surprised me... "to take you through the case lah!" Too bad I didn't have a good case, but nevertheless, I was really grateful for his initiative and thoughtfulness... what a nice guy! In the end, we went through the approach to lower limb weakness and he had to resume his work after 30 mins.

O well... btw, so far I don't think SIP will make me depress... maybe it will only set in after 1 more week... we shall see. =o

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