Sunday, 16 September 2007

Grow Fat Plan

For those who don't know, I'm on a Grow Fat Plan, GFP in short. So far I've been trying to eat in between meals and having an occasional supper... latest figure showed that I had gained 1.5kg! How exciting! HAha... So many people trying to slim down while I'm doing the exact opposite. I do hope this upward trend will continue...

As for my next posting... Surgery SIP!!!!!! at TTSH!!!!!!!!! I'm kindof excited about it right now, though I know it will be a tiring 4 weeks... hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in whatever little time or energy I have at night to study. I need to catch up on my ortho... cos during the last week of my ortho revision posting, I was concentrating on the paeds OSCE test, hence lots of stuff still undone. Hopefully I'll have a good posting ahead...

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